Successfully completed projects
Rotariada in Lithuania 2023
Rotarian rehabilitation camp for Ukrainian children (sample project Ukraine aid)
Under the leadership of its central coordinator Ryszard Luczyn, the Polish Rotarian Ukraine Aid continuously organizes two-week rehabilitation camps for 8- to 12-year-old Ukrainian children who tragically lost their father – and in some cases their mother – in the Russian war of aggression. These camps are held for 30 children at a time in the well-known spa town of Zakopane and world-famous ski resort of the High Tatras.
The traumatized children are professionally cared for by Ukrainian psychologists, pedagogues and doctors who are familiar with them. Every day they can enjoy a wide variety of leisure activities in a community that protects and builds them up, both in the attractive camp houses and through excursions.
For the transportation and excursions of the children there is an own bus sponsored by Rotary and equipped with play facilities. In addition, cell phones ensure personal telephone contact with their mother or family when needed; the donated Rotary backpacks and caps are also very popular.
The children tell us visitors with enthusiasm about their lasting positive experiences in this camp and the numerous exciting excursions. This authenticity in the descriptions and the shining eyes of the children are convincing enough to support this concept of psychological recovery or rehabilitation. With exemplary commitment, the traumatized children are given a piece of carefree childhood beyond the war, which strengthens them again in spirit and soul.
This effective and personally convincing project is recommended for support by the Baltic Sea Forum and the Task Force Ukraine of the German Council of Governors. Further financial support for the continuation of this project is always important and most welcome.
Contact person in Germany:
Baltic Sea Forum, Birgit Osterwald (contact see website)
Coordinator in Poland:
Ryszard Luczyn ,